Sarah and Tim very successful at the long distance triathlon Schaffhausen

Last weekend Sarah Etter and Tim  Wegmann gave us goosebumps again at the long distance triathlon in Schaffhausen (Switzerland) 🔥

4km 🏊🏼‍♂️ in the river
70km 🚴🏻‍♂️ with drafting
19km 🏃🏼‍♀️

Sarah and I decided in the week before the competition that she should put herself on the waiting list for a starting place. On Wednesday we knew: Sarah would be starting the long distance on Sunday. 
This in the middle of her exam period and therefore without any preparation. So the plan was: swimming, cycling and running to have fun and switch off her head. ☺️

After the quick swim in the Rhine, Sarah unfortunately couldn't find a cycling group to join, which meant that she had to work the 70km alone, while the first group of women were able to benefit from drafting. Nevertheless, she remained positive and hit the running course with the third best running time! After 04 hours and 14 minutes she crossed the finish line as 4th woman overall, with a gap of over 15 minutes to the field that came behind her. 💪🏼

Huge congrats Sarah, being able to pull off such a performance despite the challenging situation you are in!

And Tim, who was also at the start line, had clear instructions:
to take risks on his training day in Schaffhausen!

The first part of the plan worked better than expected: Tim came out of the water as 2nd athlete overall, behind the professional triathlete Alanis Siffert! This secured him an optimal position for the drafting dynamics on the bike: together with Alanis and his very strong & experienced competitor Ben Ueltschi, the three completed the 70km bike part as a group. 

The heat made Tim's performance more difficult when running, but he was able to hold his position and crossed the finish line as 2nd man overall! 🥈

What a day Tim! Congratulations for this big achievement! 🥳

#proudcoach Jana Perrone